Obion County Board of Education
June 1, 2009

Agenda Item: VII.B

Consider/Approve Amendment to Board Policy #4.605 – Graduation Requirements

Preliminary Matters:

Board Policy #4.605 sets forth the requirements for graduation. Due to block scheduling, amendments to Board policy are being proposed and are detailed on the attached document. As in all proposed amendments to Board policy due to block scheduling, system and school administrators have met to discuss the issues and we are all in agreement that the amendments are needed. A block schedule will allow for more flexibility in student schedules and will provide for more student choices. Currently there are 28 credit opportunities for students, while a block schedule will provide 32 credit opportunities.

The proposed amendment addresses graduation requirements, student class load minimums, and the number of credits required for graduation. Currently, students must have 22 credits to graduate, while under the block schedule we are proposing an increase to 26. However, the change from 22 credits to 26 credits is being gradually implemented due to current high school students not having as many credit opportunities as the incoming freshman class will have.

Staff Recommendation:

I recommend adoption of the proposed amendments to Board Policy #4.605 on second and final reading.